Shuchi Grover, Ph.D.
![]() My current research and efforts span the US, Europe, and Asia, and are primarily centered on Computational Thinking, AI, CS, and STEAM learning in the PK-14 years— helping and empowering learners to build a strong foundation for STEM literacy. I focus on the design of curricula, assessments, tools, and environments that help develop 21st century competencies; as well as social, cultural, cognitive and socio-emotional processes that nurture the development of creativity, critical thinking, and interest in STEM disciplines. I have a Ph.D. in Learning Sciences & Technology Design from Stanford University, masters degrees in Education (Harvard University) and Computer Science, and bachelors degrees in Computer Science and Physics. More. |
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Craft, Culture, and Code: k1p1, p2tog; *dc 2, sl st, dc in next st; rep from * to end

Those who inhabit the world of knitting and crocheting will recognize that syntax in the title. They will likely also recognize how to enact, with [yarn and (knitting needles or crochet hooks)], the sequences, repeats and branches —much like computer algorithms—that yield amazing woven craft artifacts from items of clothing…
Randi Engle and the Question of Transfer in Learning
Integrating Computing in School Subjects: A Conceptual Framework for Design and Analysis
[Blog post published by the Communications of the ACM, August 27, 2020] Last week, I was invited to deliver a keynote address for The Fourth International Conference on Computational Thinking Education 2020 (CTE2020) organized by the Education University of Hong Kong (EduHK). I was one of four keynote speakers (along…
Coda to my ICLS2020

The International Conference of the Learning Sciences, or ICLS, is a much-awaited event in the Learning Sciences community. It brings together a fairly close-knit community of scholars. Even though large proportion of ISLS members are engaged in STEM education research, we feel an intimate sense of belonging to the learning…
A Release Date 8 Years in the Making: The Definitive K-12 CS Teacher’s Guide on Teaching Programming

Outside of my doctoral dissertation, this is the undertaking I am most proud of! My heartfelt gratitude to everyone involved! (Also grateful to Simon Peyton Jones and Hadi Partovi for previewing the book and providing advance acclaim for the back cover). As teachers & members of the global CS education…
What was the genesis of the A-Z K-12 CS Handbook, you ask?
Rewind to 2012/2013…to the time in my doctoral studies at Stanford when I was creating curricular slides for the FACT curriculum. I started one of the early lessons with “A is for Algorithm”. I remember thinking as I looked down my list of topics to cover, “Boolean logic in a…
Culturally Relevant Pedagogy & Meaningfully Addressing Racism in CS Education

#BlackLivesMatter What does that mean to us – individually and as a collective? How do we truly embody and engage with this fundamentally human ask to ensure that we end centuries of systemic oppression and racism—both overt and covert? All of us, I believe, are doing some deep soul-searching. Academia…
Computational Modeling: How Can We Manage Cognitive Load When Students Must Simultaneously Learn to Code AND Code to Learn in a STEM Classroom?

Modeling (developing and using models) is an essential science practice listed in the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS). As is ‘Using mathematics and computational thinking’. In science, models are used to represent a system (or parts of a system), to help in the development of questions and explanations, and to…
Standing on the Shoulders of Giants: What SIGCSE’s Top Ten Lists Tell Us About the Growing Field of CS Education (and CS more broadly)
Countdown to the 50th SIGCSE Technical Symposium in Minneapolis!

The countdown has begun for the 50th installment of my favorite conference: The Technical Symposium of ACM’s Special Interest Group on Computer Science Education (SIGCSE)! In 10 days’ time, 1,500 researchers and educators pursuing computer science education as a research and/or teaching endeavor will congregate in freezing cold Minneapolis, MN,…